About My Books

What's Different in these Books that you wont find anywhere else?


No matter what you've read before, these books give you answers to questions you haven't even thought of and more.

Jenny Birdsey has years and years of understanding of hormone usage via consultancy and research, which she has packed into these vitally informative books.

These works are based on real women, real stories with real results.

The value found in these books far outweighs the cost of personal consultancy for your lifetime's journey to good health and hormone balancing, plus the bonus of:

Providing valuable information on the use of progesterone.
Dietary and nutritional knowledge.
Restoration of libido and more.

Natural progesterone IS the world's best kept secret... if you
can say "yes" to any of these...

  • Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
    Menstrual concerns - irregular, painful, or heavy
    Menopausal concerns
    Hot flushes, night sweats
    Uncontrollable mood swings or teariness
    Chronic stress & anxiety or
    Panic attacks
    Postnatal depression
    Breast swelling & tenderness
    Lack of vitality & enthusiasm
    Sleep disturbance
    Cyclic headaches / migraines
    Reduced sex drive (libido)
    Bladder concerns - stress
    Incontinence, cystitis
    Persistent thrush (candida)
    Cyclic episodes of dizziness
    Inability to shift weight (tummy,
    Hips & thighs); sugar cravings
    Cyclic acne, sinusitis,asthma
    Unable to rolex replica sale synthetic HRT
    Coming off HRT (progestins/estrogen)
    Fluid retention & bloating
    Cold hands, feet and/or buttocks
    Thinning scalp hair, hair loss
    Unwanted facial & body hair
    Exhaustion & inconsistent energy levels
    Aching body (joint & muscle pain)
    Dry, itchy or ‘crawly' skin and other
    Skin problems
    Dry, gritty, irritated eyes / itchy ears
    Allergy, and/or auto-immune problems
    Loss of rolex replica (foggy thinking)
    Low self esteem
    Chronic fatigue syndrome
    Polycystic ovarian disease (pcos)
    Fertility / infertility concerns
    Fibrocystic replica watches for sale or had a mastectomy,
    Hysterectomy,tubal ligation
    Gastro intestinal problems (ibs)

Perhaps the VITAL, MISSING LINK lies within these pages ...
... and as more and more women embrace the natural ‘bio-identical' hormone, they are finding answers to their questions and, through the discovery of their ‘essence' hormone, are hublot replica uk back to health.